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family, teamwork, community, and taking care of each other. we are two women who bring those loves together with share the ball.
share the ball iS A companY BUILT ON A simple lesson we learned when we were young: share. and every little bit of sharing counts. we give 5% of our profits to athletic programs at schools in need.
at share the ball, we share a love for the game -- whether it's watching a little boy from the inner city grow up to be an n.c.a.a. hero, playing on a team for the first time, or high-fiving a stranger in the bleachers after a double overtime.
Regardless of our age, ability, gender, race, or religion, basketball brings us together to share our joys, our struggles, our victories. sharing resonates now more than ever. help us spread the word far and wide, not just by wearing our apparel, but with the heart and soul behind the message -- give, receive, share.
love, gina & leslie
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